Thursday, February 20, 2014

An Exercise in Self Back Patting...

Pull out your journal and pat yourself on the back...

If there's one muscle that too many of us don't work enough, it's the one that's used to pat ourselves on the back.  In the spirit of choosing self-celebration over taking oneself for granted, I sat down with my beloved journal and mused over a few questions (designed to help work that muscle used to pat myself on the back...).  With the hopes others might enjoy using them to do the same (smile), thought I'd share my questions and answers...

Q: What skill have I recently mastered?  

A: I've gotten quite adept at the art of doing my own manicures.  It's taken a bit of time and patience on my part, but I'm no longer worried about painting "outside the lines."  As I let go of my need for perfection, I became more confident in my own ability to do what needed to be done.  That sense of self-assuredness has resulted in nails I'm actually quite proud to sport!

Q: What am I proud to share with others?

A: My latest thrift shop purchase; yup, it's the fab Talbot's top featured above (will show more in a future post).  I'm proud of my ability to find quality pieces at extremely affordable prices (which means I'm being budget savvy, too).  Add to that, I celebrate my ability to don something that's reused as it's the planet friendly thing to do.

Q: What overcome challenge am I most excited about right now?

A: Being able to speak up and solicit assistance from others (resulting in something that's going to benefit my community). A few years ago, speaking up and asking for help from others was something I just didn't do too much of (hence, my excitement).

Q: What do I most want to tell myself "Bravo" for doing (as of late)?

A: Easily choosing to do what was right when others might not agree with my decision. Could it be the "need to please" has gone south?!?

Watercolor painting of mine (April 2012)

Now, it's your turn! Share with me at least one thing you've recently done that you are so very proud of.  It will make my day!

Joy and peace, T.

Oh...and the photos throughout this post--I'm proud to say I took them all!