Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Heart Resourcefulness...

These pics were taken en route to last week's local Zonta Club's Solstice Wine Tasting event (read more about this fab event in this past post).  Yup, I featured these shorts in a post only the week prior... Yet, that's okay; I'm thrilled to do so.

You see, there was a time (a few years back) that I felt I needed to always don something new to special events. Not so--these days--as I've found the grace of resourcefulness.

Resourcefulness is me finding great ways to style what's already in my closet (everything I wore (that night) was already hanging in my closet).  Makes me feel creative, empowered and responsible.  These are all things I adore!

Resourcefulness is also found in gleaning inspiration from others.  Uh huh, both stylings of these shorts were inspired by others' styling of their shorts.  I love the pairing of a dress blazer with these linen shorts--don't you?

Blazer: Peace of Cloth
Blouse: Forever 21
Linen Shorts: Liz Claiborne
Shoes: Target
Handbag: Vintage Coach
Sunnies: Dollar Tree
Men's Watch: Pulsar (gifted)

I bought the lovely painting above at a silent auction during the wine tasting I attended (Huge hugs to my friend Mona--who stopped bidding when she found out I had my "cap" set for this painting!).  The proceeds from last week's auction will benefit a local scholarship program for non-traditional women college students; plus, it's going to be perfect for our recently-remodeled master bedroom.  Now, that is what I call resourceful (smile).

Share with me your thoughts on what it means to be resourceful.  I would love hearing them!

Joy and peace, T.