Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Tips for Journal Writing


My journal provides me with a special place where I plan, vent, dream, laugh, cry, sort out confusion, get grounded, achieve a sense of calmness and so much more (This post from last month provides added detail.).  Last summer, I conducted a volunteer presentation for local girls.  A portion of that workshop focused on journal writing.  Listed below, are the tips I developed from that presentation.  I hope you enjoy!

  • Let it speak to you! Choose a journal that is special to you (e.g. its cover is in your favorite color or contains a design that attracts you). Your journal need not be expensive. Even a simple, spiral-bound pad of paper can become meaningful when you decorate its cover!

  • It’s a date. At the top of the page, write the day, date and time for each new entry. You can even record the place where you wrote when it’s somewhere unusual or noteworthy. It’s fun to look back and see when certain things were written. Journals are wonderful to reference—even years later!

  • Answer the call. Write when the inspiration to do so hits you—rather than waiting to do it later.

  • Comfort is queen. Find a comfy, cozy place to write in your journal. Have your favorite beverage nearby. When it’s cold outside, keep a blanket or wrap handy.

  • Pack it! Bring your journal along with you when you travel.

  • Create fun times. From time to time, schedule special journal writing sessions in interesting places (e.g. a coffee shop, the park, under a tree in your backyard, etc.). Doing so can create fond memories for you!

  • Never worry about writer’s block. Use prompts to help you get started (e.g. “Today, I feel…” )  Need more inspiration?  See my recent blog post here.

  • No rules allowed… When it comes to journal writing, there truly are no rights or wrongs.  Use your journal to set goals, puzzle out problems, reflect upon your feelings, write poetry, draw, etc.  Your journal is your special place! 

What added tips can you share on this forum?  I (and other readers) would love to hear them!  T.