Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Journal Reading: My Journey in Mindfulness...

Do you ever re-read your old journals?  I have to admit; I rarely do.

Currently, though, I'm reading Samara O'Shea's Note to Self: On Keeping a Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits.  That's where the inspiration to pore over an older growth journal of mine came from.

Glad I did.  I re-discovered an entry I wrote March 25, 2010, and wanted to share it.  It's a combination of creative writing and a plan I crafted using magazine cutouts and a colored marker (pictured above).  It reminds me to take time to be more fully present for life's sweet moments.

At the time I wrote it, I was taking an e-course.  In part, it was dedicated to mindfulness--art journaling, too.  In fact, my growth journal was then serving as a precursor to my beloved art journal (launched only a couple of months later).

This specific creation is entitled "My Journey in Mindfulness." Here goes:


I'll light them.


I'll wish upon them.


I'll gather it every way I can.

The flowers...

I'll stop and smell them.

In retrospect, perhaps it should have been entitled, "My Plan for Mindfulness." Nevertheless, almost three years later, it still reminds me to make time to relax, dream, grow and enjoy.  

Do you re-read your older journals?  Would love to know!  

Joy and peace, T.