Art journal collage dedicated to my June dreams (May 31, 2013)
Can you believe
it’s June, already? Wherever did
May go? Looking back at the dreams
planned for June 2012, it amazes me to think of how quickly this past year has flown...
This June’s dreams
are gentle. Given the fact that May
was especially (um) action packed, I believe it’s highly warranted (smile).
I’ve had a
recent change of philosophy in relation to my book proposal. Initially, I thought I’d approach
publishing companies directly—go it solo in the publication process. Now, I am seriously toying with the
idea of engaging a literary agent.
Does anyone out there have any past experience in this regard you’d like
to share with me? I’m open to receiving
as many insights as possible.
This new month’s
dreams are as follows:
- Savor a pedi
- Enjoy a facial
- Relax via a massage
- Treat myself to an artist’s date
- Read chapters 3 and 4 of Julia
Cameron’s The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
- Participate in creative group coaching
- Vacation in New England!
- Finish reading The New Diary: How to Use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded Creativity by Tristine Rainer
- Begin searching for a literary agent
What are your dreams for this magical new month? I would love to hear about them!
Talk with you on Tuesday!
Joy and peace, T.