Friday, March 23, 2012

On the Joys of Art Journaling

The photo, above, is from an art journal entry I created, last summer, after reading Marci Shimoff’s “Happy for No Reason.”  My art journal is where I go to summarize learned concepts, be artistic, crystallize ideas, visualize goals/dreams, work out issues (smile), gain insight, display information I want to refer to again and again, etc.  I’ve even used it as a quasi scrapbook to celebrate trips taken or memorable artist’s dates I’ve had.  My art journal does all the above and more—including its role as a comfort book that I pull out and savor quite frequently.  A number of the photos included on this blog have been from my art journal pages.  To view these, click here and here and here.

I’ve been art journaling (somewhat avidly) for two years now.  I started out creating seasonal vision boards on scraps of cardboard (now tucked into my current art journal) or file folders (which I now reuse!).  Then, I graduated (so to speak) by treating myself to a $10 sketchbook purchase (with a lovely pink cover, of course).  I’m still using that same sketchbook two years later.  It’s been a worthy investment.  No, it’s not museum-quality art, but it’s turned out to be a priceless treasure to me!

On this blog next month, I plan to launch some YouTube videos providing more details on the joys of art journaling.  The inspiration for this came from a fab reader’s inquiries about my blog references to art journaling.  

In the meantime, if you’d like to give art journaling a try, you might consider starting out like I did.  Gather the following items:  glue stick, scissors, magazines (any containing images that inspire you!), an art journal (or, file folder, folder, poster board or thin piece of cardboard) and any other embellishments you desire (glitter, ribbon, crayons, paints, colored pens/pencils, etc.).  My go-to technique is ultra simple:  I use pages torn from magazines and collage them onto cardboard.  

I vary the subject of my art journal entries based upon my needs.  Sometimes, I will establish an intention for what I wish to manifest.  Other times, I let my wise self intuitively guide me by simply choosing to include items that speak to me on some level. 

The important thing about art journaling is to have fun.  It is your special time, after all!

Please keep your inquires coming.  They so inspire me!  T.