Thursday, January 10, 2013

Inspiring Stuff!

My calendar/ unlikely--yet--great place to house inspiring stuff!

Love inspiring stuff?  There’s no doubt I do!

Case in point... The other afternoon, while weeding outdated items from my planner/calendar, I came across a myriad of inspiring quotes I’d clipped and taped, throughout the years, inside it.

Thought I'd share, a bit, in the event others wanted to get in on the inspiration love as well (smile).  Here’s a snippet of what I found:

“All I need to do is love myself more today that yesterday, and to treat myself as someone who is deeply loved.” –Louise Hay

“A year from now, you will wish you had started earlier.” –Karen Lamb

“Be a shepherd, not a sheep.” –Unknown

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” –Ella Fitzgerald

“The limit to your abilities is where you place it.” –fortune from Chinese takeout

“Sell your ideas—they are totally acceptable.” –fortune from Chinese takeout

“In dreams and in life, nothing is impossible.” –fortune from Chinese takeout

“All things change when we do.”  --ancient Zen maxim

Have a fab, inspired Thursday!  T.