Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Victories of Lifelong Learning!

Ah...the pages of my art journal...where learning is endless!

“We will be victorious if we have not forgotten how to learn.” –Rosa Luxemburg

With Ms. Rosa’s philosophy (featured above), I totally agree!  Several tenets for living a Tickled Pink lifestyle, support this.  Below, are added suggestions for continuous learning:
  • Read a non-fiction book;
  • Enroll in an e-course (currently, I'm taking two!);
  • Take a class (I attend yoga classes weekly.  Last spring, took watercolor painting classes!);
  • Engage in self-reflection (journal, art journal, sketch out your monthly dreams);
  • Create art (paint, collage, write, sew, crochet, bake, etc.);
  • Treat yourself to an artist’s date (Mine's scheduled for next week!);
  • Do something differently (e.g. take a different route to work tomorrow);
  • Undertake a project that’s totally new to you (For example: Never painted before? Buy acrylics and paint in your art journal);
  • Read one of your old journals (This one lends itself to solo time—complete with candle lighting, soft background music and tea sipping.). Afterwards, reflect; using your current journal;
  • Attend a retreat, or take yourself on a solo retreat (two great resources: Woman's Retreat Book: A Guide to Restoring, Rediscovering and Reawakening Your True Self -- In a Moment, An Hour, Or a Weekend  and The Way of the Happy Woman: Living the Best Year of Your Life);
  • Try something new (possible suggestions: watch a foreign film, sip pomegranate tea, dine at a vegan café, don red lipstick, add eucalyptus essential oil to your bath water, buy + wear something emerald green...); and
  • Reconnect with your past (visit an elderly relative, wear your grandmother’s vintage brooch, pore over old family photo albums, engage in genealogy, etc.).
Joy, peace and continuous learning to you!  T.