Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recent Travel Insights...

Guess who didn't want us to leave for Colorado?  
That's right.  Our adorable diva, Tabitha.  
The good news is she had her own, personal sitter drop by 
to cuddle and play with her daily!

Having recently returned from vacation, I've given some afterthought as to what worked and what didn't; at least in terms of packing (smile).

Regarding my carry-on bag, I'm glad I brought:
  • lip gloss and tissues (These I never seem to forget.  Gold star, perhaps?); 
  • a wrap for the plane trip there and back.  It got a bit chilly after take off; especially on the flight out to Colorado. My wrap kept me comfy; and
  • several good books, magazines, my journal and iPad.  I devoured both books I planned to read on the flight out and back before the plane even landed (both legs of the trip).  Having assorted "back-up" goodies truly came in handy.
My carry on bag, however, could have used a few extras; namely:
  • a thin throw that I could roll and use to cushion my lower back.  Fortunately, I was able to get one onboard both the "getting there" and return flights.  Next time, I'll just plan on bringing one from home (have my own back--so to speak); and
  • my favorite water bottle.  I drank scads of bottled water while in Colorado.  In retrospect, I realize I could have used my own water bottle during the flights to and fro' as well as on the trip...a much greener (and more economical) way to travel. Lesson learned.
In regard to my suitcase, I am happy to report I packed both sunglasses and sunscreen (and faithfully used both).  What I'm not so proud to say is that I (once again) over-packed.  I was so thrilled with my original "pack stack." I even tweeted "Life lesson learned from packing: The less "baggage" I carry, the lighter my load."  Then, I proceeded to add "one more item;" more than several times over.  Hmmm...

The good news is that although I didn't observe my own tweet in a literal sense, I did figuratively. This vacation, I left behind the concerns and "what if's" regarding 9 to 5 responsibilities and issues. Doing so may have been a first for me.  Despite a few packing lessons learned, a major milestone was actually achieved (This one truly is "gold star" worthy!).

What about you?  Got great travel advice?  I'd love to hear it!  T.