A recent art journal collage dedicated to napping...
Seems to be a theme... What I'm referring to is my more recent understanding that downtime has measurable value...
Saturday, I embarked on an artist's date and drafted the final section of my book proposal (Yay!) Monthly dream achievements accomplished: Check. Check. Let me share with you, though, what I believe may have been my most important action of the day: napping (two naps--actually--on Saturday!). Yup, I napped both before and after dinner.
To be perfectly honest, the first nap I had no qualms over taking it. The second one, however... Well, after awaking...I felt a bit (um) guilty... I actually shared, with Mark, some "off the cuff" remark about doing so. He quickly reminded me: 1) I must have been tired; and 2) "Hey, that's what weekends are for." Sometimes, it takes someone near and dear to remind us of these things, yes?
To drive the point home a bit further, I came across a fabulous video clip courtesy of author Christine Arylo while enjoying my weekly Sunday morning total relaxation time, yesterday morning (java sipping, email reading, listening to music, freely zoning out, etc.). One central point she made was, "Resting is doing something." Amazingly timely, huh?
Not sure what it's doing your way (weather-wise), but Ms. Winter has again emerged the victor over Ms. Spring at the present (Sigh!). Wishing you joy, peace and a happy Monday! T.