Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Month + Season = Opportunities for Action

Precious, gifted calendar opens up to a new month!

Looking up from my workplace desk, yesterday afternoon, my eyes landed on the wall before me—most namely—at the sweet little calendar hanging there.  My son, Patrick (now a graduate student), made it for me at least 15 years ago. 

Spying the colorful Valentine pictured on the page atop the calendar.... Something seemed amiss.  Quickly, I arose to flip the calendar page.  A smile on my face, I suddenly understood my feelings of confusion. It was now March—not February!

Each new month brings fresh promise, unique experiences, and added opportunities for growth.  Certain months (such as March) also carry with them the distinction of being the dawn of a new season. 

Revisiting my 2013 mantra (self-authored), I want this month—this approaching new season to reflect that same sentiment through my actions.  I seek to:
  • finish writing the first draft of my book proposal;
  • sport something spring-like;
  • venture out (at least once) with a jacket versus a coat;
  • embody the excitement felt over the first signs of spring;
  • claim mindfulness more often than not (easier said than done—but still something to strive for);
  • reconnect with nature;
  • obtain clear direction on where to proceed next—in terms of my book writing foray; and
  • be more adventuresome, yet less impulsive. 
What do you want your actions this new month—new season to reflect this season?  Would love to hear!

Joy and peace, T.