Friday, June 22, 2012

Reads That Feed My Mind

“There is no frigate like a book, to take us lands away.” –Emily Dickinson

Reading to feed the mind is a concept this femme adheres to in the hopes of living a Tickled Pink life.  I’ve always been an avid reader.  As a little girl, I would read pretty much anything I could get my hands on.  In college, I gravitated toward the classics.  About 12 years ago, following my attendance at leadership training held in San Francisco, my preferences shifted toward anything that was related to self-care, personal development or motivation.  These days, I’m a self-proclaimed self-help junkie, but I also enjoy reading biographies/autobiographies (especially about fascinating women), how to’s related to those things I seek to learn more about (art, crafts, yoga, writing, etc.), or works focused on zen/healthy living.

Some years ago, I began building a home library of favorites.  Below, are some of the mind-feeding reads I find myself referring to time and time again:

Tea Celebrations by Alexandra Stoddard

A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson

Do you have any reads that beckon you again and again?  Please share! T.