Saturday, December 15, 2012

Today, I Choose Comfort and Healing

Decided to forego the cold temps and rain this morning... Instead of venturing out for our standing, downtown breakfast date, Mark headed out to get donuts.  No rain or cold for me this morning; today, I choose comfort.

Another thing I've decided not to do today: listen to, read or watch any of the news reports arising in the wake of yesterday's sad, horrendous school tragedies in Connecticut and China.  Watching these sad events play out again and again only serve to upset me incredibly.  Rather, I choose to hold healing thoughts, as well as carry out aligned actions--much better responses for me than anger, fear and melancholy.

Deservedly, comfort and healing are in order for us all today.  How can you infuse both into your world? A still mind? Hot tea in front of the fireplace? Creating something of beauty? Spending quality time with loved ones? Calling a dear friend?

Sending thoughts of joy, peace, comfort and healing to you.  T.