Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life’s Moments=Creative Inspiration

These lovely phlox inspire me! 
I spied them during last week's herb garden tour.

A friend recently noted, “You are blogging like crazy.” She then asked, “Where do all your ideas come from?”  On the spot, it was initially hard to put my finger on an answer.  Yet, a few moments later I responded, “From pretty much everything.”  It wasn’t a “perfect formula” of an answer, but it was what I felt from deep within.

In retrospect, that statement was about as “spot on” as it could be.  Every thing, each situation can inspire—if so allowed. 

Below, are 10 yummy ways I get creatively inspired:
  • Take photos of beautiful, natural things as you discover them.
  • Listen to music that sways your spirit. Allow it to take hold of you.
  • Go for an early morning walk, and be present for it.
  • Affirm, “My life is art.” Afterwards, act as if.
  • Spend your next tea or coffee break outdoors—observing nature.
  • Pull out old photo albums and pore through them.
  • Utilize methods that enable you to get in touch with your spirit: yoga, meditation, stillness, journal writing.
  • Honor your Wise Self’s urgings. It whispers inspirational hints to you incessantly! 
  • Remember a time when someone taught you something important through their words and/or actions.
  • View art (both yours and others).
 What inspires you creatively?  Would heart hearing about it!  T.