Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tickled Pink Woman Podcast: Episode #1

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Tickled Pink Woman Podcast Show Notes:
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hello and welcome to the premiere episode of the Tickled Pink Woman podcast, a celebration of all things Zen, elegant and feminine.  My name is Tina Bradley, I am the author of Eternal Presents: Accepting and Using the Precious, Intangible Gifts Others Give Us.  I am also the writer/publisher of the almost daily blog, Tickled Pink Woman.  My blog celebrates all things Zen, elegant and feminine, while also chronicling my quest to live more mindfully, creatively, and authentically.

Today’s show is dedicated to the joy of simple joys.  My definitions of simple joys:
·      Tangibles (e.g. lovely fall foliage and mums!)
·      Practices we engage in (e.g. watching the sun set)
·      Intangibles that aren’t practices (e.g. a day off)

Simple joys are:
·      Generally easy to implement and in abundant supply;
·      Cost little or nothing;
·      Enable me to get creative about what brings me joy  (which allows me to tailor an authentic life).

My tips for experiencing simple joys daily, include:
·      Plan them out (journal, art journal)
·      Engage in those simple joys that speak to you
·      Experience them mindfully

In an effort to share with you who I am and what brings me joy—while simultaneously demonstrating how easy it is to find joy in each day, I’ve put together a list of my favorite simple joys…

1)            Take a walk in nature…
2)            Enjoy a tea party for one…
3)            Play dress up…
4)            Listening to music that feeds my soul…
5)            Cuddle with my diva pet…
6)            Stillness…
7)            Flower gardening…
8)            Create art…
9)            Soak in a hot, scented bath at the end of a long day…
10)        Practice yoga…
11)        Light candles…
12)        Overcoming a challenge…
13)        Being entirely in the moment…

Rosy Resources: For those who want to explore today’s topic a bit further, check out these books:

Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Pinking Shears: Ways to take today’s concepts away and tailor them for your needs! 

Activity #1:  Pull out your journal or art journal and list as many simple joys as you can.  If you’d like set your timer.  Don’t have a journal or art journal? Not a problem! Use a notebook or sheet of paper to record your thoughts.

Activity #2: For those who want to get a better grasp on understanding how everyday activities and things can bring you joy, try an exercise outlined in Mari Messer’s Pencil Dancing: New Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit: “Experience, as if for the first time, a hot bath with bubbles, something chocolate, waking up in the morning.  Write about it for 20 minutes.  How was this experience different from or the same as previous ones?”

Tickled Pink Woman Promo: If you enjoyed today’s podcast, I hope you will check out my blog it’s a great source for added inspiration and it is where today’s show notes will be housed:  Connect with me on Twitter (@Femspeak) and Like Tickled Pink Woman on Facebook

Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of the Tickled Pink Woman podcast. Hope you’ll join me this week on the blog! Joy & peace!