Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Book Publishing Goals + Mind Mapping

Mind map (April 29, 2013)

I’m zeroing in—setting my sights—getting closer to finalizing the proposal for my new book.  It’s all starting to feel a bit more tangible...

In order to move this process further along, I’m participating in a three-month coaching opportunity offered by author Gail McMeekin (which, I am SO excited to be a part of!).  I enjoyed a one-on-one coaching session with her last week, and have identified the following as my book-related goals for the next three months:

1) Finalize my book proposal;
2) Fine tune query letter;
3) Build a list of potential publishing companies; and
4) Submit query letters and book proposals.
Pictured above is a mind map I recently crafted.  It is an assignment for the group coaching call I’ll participate in tonight (also a part of the three-month coaching opportunity noted above).  This was my first attempt at mind mapping.  Seems similar (in my opinion) to a vision board—just a bit more “strategic.”  As a highly visual thinker, I've deemed this to be a good thing (smile!)...

Has anyone else out there ever utilized a mind map for goal achievement?  If so, I’d love to hear about your experience in doing so! 

Joy & peace, T.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tickled Pink Woman Podcast: Episode #13

Access at iTunes Podcasts: Subscribe to Tickled Pink Woman 
Listen directly from here via Libsyn RSS 

Tickled Pink Woman Podcast Show Notes:
Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello and welcome to Episode 13 of the Tickled Pink Woman podcast, a woman’s celebration of self.  The focus of today’s podcast: Journal Writing Joy.

I.         MUSE: My journal writing journey…

II.         Why springtime is a great time to begin a journal writing practice…

III.          My tips for journal writing…

Pinking Shears: Ways to take today’s concepts away and tailor them for your needs! 

1) Pack your journal, head somewhere fun, and write!

2) Plan a mini journaling retreat at home.  Light candles. Burn incense. Play inspiring music. Set up somewhere comfortable.  Consider using the journal writing prompts featured in my post “Fab Journal & Art Journal Prompts” dated April 13, 2012 (link is featured below).

Rosy Resources: For those who want to explore today’s topic a bit further, check out:

·      My blog post dated April 26, 2012: My Tips for Journal Writing
·      My blog post dated May 21, 2012: Warm Reflections on Journal Writing
·      My blog post dated April 4, 2013: Continuous Reinvention=Blossoming Potentials
·      My blog post dated April 12, 2013: #JournalChat Highlights…
·      The New Diary: How to Use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded Creativity by Tristine Rainer (passage read from page 22)

Tickled Pink Woman Promo: If you enjoyed today’s podcast, I hope you will join me on my blog it’s a great source for added inspiration and it is where today’s show notes will be housed: tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com.  Connect with me on Twitter (@TickledPinkTina), Like Tickled Pink Woman on Facebook and join me on Instagram (http://instagram.com/tickledpinkwoman).  Check out my book, Eternal Presents: Accepting and Using the Precious, Intangible Gifts Others Give Us on Amazon and Etsy!   Check out my MP3 + accompanying e-workbook: No Regrets & Self-authored: Making Your Dreams Real…The Tickled Pink Woman Way.  It’s a mini retreat that sets forth my tips on establishing a guiding mantra and making dreams real and it’s found in my Etsy shop (Tickled Pink Woman).

I’d love to hear your thoughts about the blog and podcasts.  Email me at tinatickledpink@gmail.com or snail mail me: Tina Bradley, Post Office Box 289, Bowling Green, OH  43402.

Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of the Tickled Pink Woman podcast. Hope you’ll join me this week on the blog!  Joy & peace! T.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rendezvous with a Gal Pal...

Yesterday, post early morning yoga at home, I soaked in a bubble bath, painted my nails, curled my hair and donned (in addition to my long linen dress and fave jean jacket) a playful assortment of accessories--all indicating some special occasion was afoot.  From there, I ventured forth for a rendezvous with a dear friend. You see, I had a date on the calendar to attend the local Fashion, Food & Fine Art luncheon, and I'd been looking forward to it all week long!

Isn't it interesting how very energizing it can be to break away from the normal routines--meet up with a gal pal to relax, laugh, muse, share dreams, and support one another in each other's visions for the future?  The way I see it, time spent with a good friend is as luxuriant as a morning at the spa, a springtime walk in the woods or an evening on my candlelit patio--watching the sun set.  Gal pal time enlivens my spirit, soothes my soul and expands that treasured collection best known as "fond memories."  In a word, "Priceless!"

Joy and peace to you this rainy Sunday!  T.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Wishes for this Weekend...

These lovely blooms inspired me to take a walk last evening!

Some time ago, I shared my All I Want This Weekend concept--here, on the blog.  Thought it might be fun to "revisit" this strategy by sharing my list of dreams for this weekend:

Friday Evening (I actually realized all these babies; hence, they are in the past tense (smile)):
  • Enjoyed a dinner date with Mark;
  • Took a mindful walk outdoors—post dinner;
  • Crafted a podcast script outline; and
  • Fine tuned the Overview section of my book proposal.
  • Blog;
  • Buy and repot new houseplants;
  • Spend time crafting second sample book chapter;
  • Prep for Tuesday evening group coaching session spearheaded by author Gail McMeekin;
  • Ride exercise bike; and
  • Savor a dinner date with Mark. 
Will all my dreams come true this weekend?  Not sure.  And, if not--it's okay.  My All I Want This Weekend List is merely a fluid guide.  It helps to focus me--should I choose to follow it...

What’s on your agenda this weekend?  I would ADORE hearing about it! 

Joy and peace, T.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thrifted Fashion=Green + Cheap Chic

Can you guess which pieces were thrifted?

Couldn't help but share my latest thrift store treasure!  Why is it I'm so tickled pink about it?  Well... there are several reasons:
Dressing affords me another opportunity to creatively express myself.  When I can do so greenly and inexpensively, it's all the better!  

Here's the scoop on my latest find:
I bought this Banana Republic skirt with the original price tag 
still on it at the Goodwill Store!  Isn't it fab???
As you'll note, from the pic below, I purchased it at quite a price break!

Skirt: Banana Republic (thrifted)
Cardigan: Chico's
Tee: Petit Bateau
Belt: Target
Shoes: Payless
Scarf: No brand (thrifted)
Tights: Apt. 9 (Kohl's)
Sunnies: Dollar Store

What's your latest thrift store treasure?  I would adore hearing about it!

Joy, peace and happiest of Fridays to you!  T.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rainy Day Style Musings

Art journal collage (April 24, 2013)

It’s April.  No doubt that often means plenty of showers (of the rain variety). 

I adore hearing the sound of rain on the rooftops, and being outdoors moments before a thundershower begins.  Traipsing into the office, early in the morning, during a rainstorm—that’s not quite as enchanting for a whole slew of reasons (most of them related to style factors). 

Here are a few ways I make rainy days a bit more stylish and stress free:

I never wear good shoes or boots in the rain.  It ruins them.  Some day, I’ll invest in a pair of stylishly classic rain boots (It's an item that is definitely on my staples wish list!).  For now, though, I’ve got several inexpensive pairs of shoes I pull out and don on rainy days. This sweet pair of ballet flats is from Target (Mossimo Supply Co.). 

Yes, I carry an umbrella, but I wear a hat as well!  There’s no better excuse to do so!  It’s not only stylish; it also protects my hairstyle even further.  I never wear my nicer vintage hats out into the rain.  I have several bargain bin hats I reserve for this.  The one featured above is from (you likely guessed it) Target.  I picked it up for $5 on clearance (smile).

I always keep barrettes, Bobbie pins, ties, styling gel and similar items in my purse as a fix to rainy day hair.  Doing so just makes my rainy days a bit brighter.  For added fixes, check out my challenging hair day “go to” discussed in this past post.

On the subject of umbrellas...  I never spend much on these.  I prefer having several on hand and tucked away in strategic locations (my vehicle, in the office, at home...).
This way, I am never caught out unprepared (smile).

Even when it rains or is cloudy, I’ll often wear UV sunnies.  To see why, read this past post.

Share your rainy day style musings with me.  I would LOVE hearing them! 

Joy and peace amongst the showers!  T.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thoughts on a More Purr-fect Life...

Fun kitty scarf I sported for the first time--yesterday!

Yesterday’s blog post featured a photo, taken a few evenings ago, of my lovable diva pet, Tabitha—legs outstretched unabashedly while basking in front of the fireplace. One of my friends told me that Tabitha’s blog picture made her smile.  My response back to her was, “Yes, she does a fab job at living well—no doubt!” 

This led me to think further... Animals act largely on instinct.  Making themselves feel healthy, comfy, safe, at peace, contented—as much as possible...  Well, that’s simply what living is all about. The natural inclination is to embrace holistic self-care to the max.  

What little steps can each of us take today to feel a bit more purr-fect?  Today, I’m vowing to incorporate a few simple stretches into my desk-bound day, sipping a green smoothie at lunchtime and ensuring I get to bed at a decent hour tonight (since cat napping isn’t an option during my work day).  Would love to hear what you’ll be doing!

Joy and peace, T.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Made Me Smile Recently...

This world has seen a whole lot of sadness as of late.  It's hard not to get mired down in an excess of sorrow, concern and--that dreadful "F" word--you know the one: fear.  Similar to giving gratitude, I love building a "made me smile" list--when times seem overwhelmingly challenging.  Here's what's on mine--as of late:

My well-manicured flower gardens (did it myself!)

Son's outgrown tie-dye=my new yoga shirt!

Tulips in my flower garden...

More of my tulips (Did I mention I ADORE tulips???)

Sweet blooms on my pear tree (smile!)

Husband & pet tabby cat in state of extreme relaxation...

Boutique chambray shirt bought on BIG-time clearance 

Share the joy!  What made you smile recently?  Would love hearing about it!  

Joy, hugs and peace!  T.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrate Creativity!

Enjoy nature. See beauty. Be captivated. In other words, create joy! 
--Moi via Twitter (4/21/13)

Turns out, last week was International Creativity and Innovation Week.  Missed it?  Not to worry.  I firmly believe that creativity is something to be celebrated and tapped into daily.

And...no, you do not have to consider yourself an artist--per se--to be creative.  Yesterday, I worked in my flower beds...and, I consider that to be an act of supreme creativity.  Why?  Because my efforts will yield (and already have yielded) something of beauty.  That, in my opinion, equates to creativity.

I came across something wonderful, yesterday morning, while savoring my java (a local cherries jubilee blend!).  A fave author of mine, SARK, is offering (in celebration of her birthday) a free video series entitled Awakening and Activating Your Personal Power.  Much of it is dedicated to uncovering and claiming (re-claiming) your authentic creative self (Fits in nicely with last week's international celebration of creativity and innovation, yes?).  To register for access to these free gems (I've viewed the first one and it is absolutely fab!!!), click here.

Happy, happy belated International Creativity and Innovation Week and happy Monday, All!  Joy and peace.  T.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Journaling + Art Journaling "Rules" of the Road

Spring-focused collage (April 20, 2013)

A great question came up at yesterday's workshop/retreat.  Following my description of an art journal as a comfort book, place to plan, envision, give gratitude and various other positive-focused things, one participant asked if an art journal could be used as a place to vent--to release negative thoughts.

My response? I told her an art journal should be just like a writing journal; serving any purpose you want/need it to.  What that means is that we (the journalers and art journalers) get to make up, and, as we deem fit, break all the "rules."  That's pretty self-empowering stuff, huh?

Sure, I tout the benefits of positive thinking, resolution and envisioning what it is we want to manifest in life.  At the same time, I know the only way to get clear on what it is we want to shed, change or improve upon is to reflect in total honesty--to vent--to get those negative thoughts out there--in the open.  Just like a journal, the art journal can be used to uncover these truths...

The bottom line, however, is that an art journal (just like a journal) should be tailored by each one us--according to our own special needs.  What are your thoughts on this?  Would adore hearing them!

Joy and peace, T.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Make A Date with Yourself to Reflect, Envision & Bloom!

From my art journal (April 2012)

This afternoon I'm excited to be conducting a women's retreat in a neighboring town.  It's entitled, "Spring Fling: A Date with Yourself to Reflect, Envision & Bloom!"

Even though you may not be joining me this afternoon, consider scheduling a spring fling with yourself to reflect, envision and bloom!  Here are a few thoughts on how to do so...

Light a candle.  As you do, establish an intention for the time you have gifted yourself.

Pull out your journal or art journal.  Engage in Lynne Franks' "blooming values" activity discussed in this past post. Afterwards, relax during a tea break!

Journal or art journal in hand, reflect upon how you'll plant, water and weed your life this spring.  Details on this activity are found in this past post.  Once finished, enjoy a short break outdoors.  If weather doesn't permit, bask a few moments in meditation.

Assess your life's balance with a wheel of life activity (click here for more details).  At today's retreat, I've given the wheel of life a springtime variation--asking participants to draw an eight petaled flower.  In the center, they will write the intention selected for the day's retreat.  Each petal of the flower will represent a wheel of life dimension.

Following another tea or nature break, create a springtime vision collage.  For added guidance, check out my video and past post on vision boards.

Savor time in quiet reflection. Revisit the intention you set for yourself. Then, blow out the candle you lit--signaling the end of your special time with yourself.

Have a luxuriant Saturday!  Joy and peace, T.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Secret to Optimal Personal Growth...

"A garden requires patient labor and attention.
Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions
or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because 
someone expended effort on them." --Liberty Hyde Bailey

I adore the quote above.  It ties in nicely with something I say often: "As in nature; so, too, is it in life."  

Dedicate loving, mindful effort on yourself.  When I refer to "effort," I'm not necessarily saying scads of time or money need to be expended, either.  Affirm as you dress in the morning, walk to your afternoon meeting--rather than driving, write a few lines in your journal as you relax in the evening... Like a thriving garden, you, also, will begin to experience abundant growth.  

May your Friday be wonderful! Joy and peace, T.

The collage featured above is from my art journal! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finding Adventure in the Ordinary...

Coffee shops can be adventuresome, too!

Yesterday, I ventured forth.  I was headed nowhere terribly exciting; simply to a day-long, work-related meeting about 45 minutes from home. 

Late afternoon, on my way back, I took a quick detour off the highway into a town I hadn’t been to before. Driving through its downtown, I spotted an indy-owned coffee shop.  I stopped in and grabbed a cup of java to go.  Chit-chatting with the sweet baristas there (they complimented me on the fair trade bracelet I was wearing!), procuring a fab cup of highlander grog java to sip on my drive home + admiring the lovely Victorian architecture scattered alongside the little burg's streets, I view it all as an adventure--of sorts.

Of course, I had to feature the fair trade bracelet referenced above...

Sometimes life’s sweetest adventures are the things most ordinary--journal writing outdoors, browsing for used books, traveling a different route...  My theory is this: Sprinkling my existence with enough of these adventures (comprised of the "ordinary"variety) equates to a life lived extraordinarily.  

Joy and peace this “little Friday.”  T.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tulips, Comfort and Smiles...

“The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.” –Hada Bejar

No, they aren’t roses.  I’m equally excited about them, though.  

They are tulips in my very own flower garden—my first blooms this season, actually.  These lovelies opened up yesterday.  I spied them as I was headed back into the office—post a lunch date with my lovable diva pet.  They (and she) made me smile—on a day I found myself often tapping into the comfort of my own deep breathing--a strategy I am guessing I was not alone in.  

Extending to you the comfort and smiles these sweet tulips are bringing me.  Joy and peace.  T.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In this Moment, Fear Loses Out to Peace...

Lovely window box flowers I snapped in Boston (August 2012)

The youngest of my two sons lives in the heart of Boston at a university campus there. Yesterday afternoon—amidst a somewhat busy, frustrating day, my mind shifted from what now seems like a string of petty workplace annoyances to supreme thankfulness--after learning that my dear Patrick was alright.  

Quickly, however, it moved to sorrow for those who lost their lives and were injured.  Pretty soon, thereafter, it drifted toward fear.  My mind buzzed... What’s next?  Will it happen again? How often does he use the subway?  I felt shaken, sick and frightened beyond belief.

This morning, I am remembering that peace lives in the present moment, and that mindful, deep breathing is what takes me there.  You see, when I seek comfort in the present moment, fear always loses out.  Today, I vow to be present (as much as I possibly can), and chose peace over fear.

Me and Patrick (August 2012)

My deepest sorrows and heartfelt healing to everyone affected by yesterday's sad events.  Peace and love.  T.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Added Change Insights...

A recent art journal collage celebrating positive change...

My enchanting, long weekend has drawn to a close...  In addition to chit-chatting with Mark, I used the time riding to and from B-town (Thursday and Saturday) to catch up on some magazine reading.  Hopefully, this confession won't shock too much: I had a stack of them--some dating back to September of last year.  Yes, I know...perhaps I'm not alone on this, though!  It sure feels fab to now have the tower whittled down to the present month's issues.

Over the course of the weekend's magazine reading endeavors, I gleaned scads of added insights based on embracing change. Given that this past blog post struck a chord with so many, I wanted to pass fave tidbits (from my reading) along:

"Connecting with the part of you that remains steady is the key to accepting change." SOURCE: Holcombe, Kate. "Mistaken Identity." Yoga Journal November 2012: 54-58. Print. 

Holcombe suggests various ways to make that connection: deep breathing, asana, singing, running, undertaking enjoyable activities.  I would like to offer a few added ones: creating art, honoring your inner wisdom, journal writing, observing stillness and engaging in anything that's done mindfully.

"Find a place you've never been before, where you can sit, uninterrupted, for an hour. The more unfamiliar the environment, the better for arousing creativity." SOURCE: Reynolds, Samantha. "Well-Versed." O The Oprah Magazine November 2012: 40. Print.

I have long known that change PERIOD is a creativity booster.  Simply switching up my routine this past weekend, has ignited scads of ideas--which I've accordingly written down for further consideration.

"Predictable is boring in...fashion. Add an element of surprise--a quirky hat, "mismatched" patterns--and look head-over-heels sexy." SOURCE: Metzner, Evyan. "Fall in Love with Your Outfit." Self November 2012: 120-127. Print.

Whether or not I attain the head-over-heels aspect, is not the issue for me.  Playing with style is another way I evoke creativity.  It's my outward expression of my inner self! Peruse this recent post to see how I shook my own style up a bit this past weekend.

"Happiness isn't being cheerful all the time; 
finding out more about something, learning
how to appreciate something better, 
incorporating SOMETHING NEW that fits
with what you already have."  
SOURCE: Joiner, Whitney. "Going For It." Whole Living October 2012: 124-127. Print.

I adore this!  Especially the part about infusing new into what's existing.  This approach is all about living authentically, yet incorporating change via tiny shifts--very organic!

Happy Monday, All!  Joy and peace.  T.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Making It Work on my Terms...

Saturday evening adaptation...

We ventured back, yesterday, following a couple of days away.  Albeit April, we encountered sleet at various points on the drive back--as well as here at home--upon our arrival... 

Our plan, Saturday night, was to head to a local pub for a drink + dinner.  It was cold, though, and the drizzle had done a "number" on my hair.  Our journey back had been long, and I truly didn't want to fuss with dressing up or a hair redo.  I decided to resolve both the chill in the air and the hair issues by donning a vintage wool beret I'd picked up while away.  Hats are a great solution for those tricky hair days.  Plus, it was an unexpected chance to wear a new (to me) piece I thought I'd not get to wear until fall.  

I hear sweatshirts are making a comeback... Aside from wearing one on a run or a hike, I can honestly say generally I don't sport them.  I decided to pull this gently-worn sweatshirt (from my undergraduate college days) off the closet shelf and pair it with a favorite scarf that's usually too heavy for this time of year and an older pair of boyfriend jeans I'd held onto (those are back in as well!).  The end result: I was comfy, and had enjoyed the opportunity to "play" with my look a bit... 

You see, sometimes it sleets in April.  Bad hair days happen.  Weariness occurs.  What I'm learning is to accept and adapt to what life has in store...and, if at all possible, have fun with the process--weather it's a matter of wardrobe or another aspect of daily living.  It's my way of making it work on my terms (smile).

Joy and peace!  T.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My April Adorations....

Wanted to share a few things I've been adoring this past few days on my anniversary getaway.  If I seem to be excessively excited about the signs of spring I've encountered; well, I am!  Back in Bowling Green there's not been too much evidence of spring...yet...  Something tells me I'll be adoring the memories of these things for some time to come; making them worthy as this month's personal adorations in photos.

Thursday morning breakfast views from the Starbucks
(Indiana Memorial Union, Bloomington, IN)

Pink blooms!

Visiting with a dear friend (smile!)

Lovely bed of pansies...

Bright + cheery daffodils...

Sweet, lone tulip...

Blooming tree...

Need I say more?

What about you?  What is it you are adoring this month?  Would love to hear about it!

Joy and peace, T.

Friday, April 12, 2013

#JournalChat Highlights + Anniversary Photos

Scene from yesterday's #JournalChat...

I'm still away--celebrating my anniversary (smile).  Thought it would be timely to share a few of the many take-aways from yesterday's inspiring session of #JournalChat Live (added deets found here).  Those participating in this fab event shared a variety of thoughts on journaling's benefits--both overall and in the process of bringing about positive change.  In short, journaling serves as:
  • a safe place;
  • the realm of no self-judgment;
  • the site where the journaler sets the rules she/he desires;
  • a mechanism for extreme self-care;
  • an ever-present ear;
  • an incubator for self-reliance;
  • a source of self-empowerment;
  • a creative resource;
  • the place where self-trust is built; and
  • the inner voice's "training ground."
Greater detail is found in a transcript containing Parts I and II of yesterday's #JournalChat Live.  Truly, it's worth checking out!  There were so many perspectives shared--all tremendously valuable.

In celebration of my 32nd, thought I'd share a few anniversary photos as well.  Hope you enjoy them!

Joy, peace and happy Friday!  T.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Photos + Anniversary: This is Us...

April 11, 2011

April 11 marks a monumental day in my life... It’s my wedding anniversary! 

This year, April 11 marks a few others things as well... The first being: we’re headed off for a few days away.  I’ll still post during this time—most likely briefer, photo-based pieces, though...

Today is also the date of the online #JournalChat Live featuring this past post as the centerpiece for discussion.  I'm participating this insightful discussion (5 EST)--while enjoying some yummy herbal tea at a local cafĂ© where we are headed.  Sure hope you can join me for the online chat (The deets can be found here.)!

In celebration of my wedding anniversary, here are a few photos—of me and Mark--throughout the years.  Uh huh, this is us! 

First grade...


Wedding day (1981)

Brother's wedding reception (1982)

Our family (1991)
(Our son Andrew was 7 1/2; Patrick 1 1/2 years old)

Sis-in-law's wedding reception (1999)

Our 25th wedding anniversary (2006)

Our 30th wedding anniversary (2011)

Our oldest son's wedding reception (2012)

Our family (2012)
(Amanda, Andrew, me, Mark and Patrick)

Sis's sixth year cancer free celebration (2012)

Joy and peace!  T.